connect pc to pocket pc by viaDB

Connect pc กับ pocket pc ด้วย viaDB ยังไง

Dim cnDB As ADOCE.Connection
Set cnDB = CreateObject("ADOCE.Connection.3.0")
cnDB.Provider = "ViaDB"

'---- the computer name or IP address that is running the ViaDB NT service

cnDB.Properties("ViaDB Remote Server") = ""

'---- the OLE DB provider to use on the computer which is the ViaDB Remote Server (see above)

cnDB.Properties("ViaDB Remote Provider") = "SQLOLEDB"

'---- this is the computer name that is running SQL Server (if the same as ViaDB Remote Server then use "(local)" )

cnDB.Properties("Data Source") = "(local)"

'---- this is the database to connect to (i.e. Pubs)

cnDB.Properties("Initial Catalog") = "YourDB"

'---- this is a valid user id for your database

cnDB.Properties("User ID") = "sa"

'---- this is a valid password for your database

cnDB.Properties("Password") = ""

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